The story follows the crucial years between 1840 and 1875 as lived by twin brothers separated at birth. One brother is taken north with the Carpenter family while the other is taken south with the Burgess family. Their stories reflect the times and challenges of a nation torn apart by Civil War and the westward movement. Foster Carpenter joins the Union Army, surviving major battles, and after the war works for the Union Pacific Railroad. Ezra Burgess joins the Confederate Army, also surviving major battles, and after the war works for the Central Pacific Railroad. They helped bring the nation together with their work on the Transcontinental Railroad.
This work is based on real individuals and is historically accurate. The brothers and their families are creations for the story.
War makes heroes out of ordinary men. With the background of Operation Market Garden, Daniel Stein devises a plan to weaken the NAZI war machine that takes him from Germany to England, Holland, France, Hungary, Russia, and Israel. His identity changes from British Captain to German Major to German General to Russian General. How will he survive all these dangers?
The Battle of Brandywine might have ended the American Revolution as a British sharpshooter had George Washington in his sites, but he did not shoot. What if he had fired? What if Washington were captured and put on trial? Follow the possible history of a disorganized group of revolutionaries in rebellion against the most powerful nation on Earth. Who would have won?